Monday 23 February 2009

A darling addition...

Just past midnight on Saturday morning, as I lay cuddled-up to Boyfriend in our wood hut in Olympos, I woke - somewhat disorientated - to the sound of my mobile ringing. Before we left London I made sure to top up my credit, awaiting this phone call.

Sure enough it was news that my (middle) sister had given birth to a beautiful baby girl. A new sister for almost 3-year-old niece - and the fourth of my nieces - this little cherub enters a very female-focussed family. It will be a few years until I start a family of my own, but seeing my sisters with their babies only further endorses motherhood.

Only a few more weeks until I get to meet her (and her two-week old cousin) in person... My mission now: to find some gold, frankincense and mir for the little darlings.

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