This girl has bought more than a few items that have found themselves unused, unopened or unworn, although the latter case refers mostly to shoes... I find that I'll always wear the clothes I buy, even if only once. Although, I try never to reprimand myself for my shopping-indiscretion. Instead, I focus on the lesson learnt: I must not buy shoes a size too small, or large, and think that I can stretch them out, or pad them with shoe cushions as the case may be. And then I palm my purchase off on one of my sisters or a friend, thus redeeming myself in my own eyes, by finding said-purchase a right and proper home.
Aside from shoes, my biggest money-wasting moments are all exercise related. I have a rather impressive collection of aerobics and yoga DVDs purchased in the belief that they would save me paying a gym membership; and I've paid full-terms of dance classes where I have attended only one or two lessons... Then there was my Swiss ball that went flat, and the dumb bells that held my bedroom door open more often than they were held in my hands... But, the biggest and best of my penitent-p
urchases would have to be my Supreme Pilates machine (think of a small, fold-up version of a Pilates Reformer bed), as advertised on the Shopping network and sold online. Yes, I tend to have my moments of exercise inspiration when sitting in front of a computer screen. Laugh if you must, but this time I really thought I was on to a good thing - and for two solid weeks I dutifully stretched and toned myself with the help of Supreme Pilates creator and coach, Ellen Croft. It's just that then I sort of stopped.

I've had my reasons (read: excuses)... First off I was relocating from New York to London, so had to pack my machine away to ship it. And then once it arrived in the UK I kept it in its box because I was staying at a friends and I thought it more sensible to leave it under wraps so that it was more easily transportable when I finally found my new home. But now settled in my Clapham flat, poor Supreme is gathering dust in the corner of my bedroom - because the American DVDs of Ellen's programs that came with it aren

For now I'll go for my morning power walks, drink lots of water and mind what I eat. Funny, how good weight management needn't cost a thing.

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