Where my Aus-family is full on, babysitting my American cherubs has always been a breeze. To their 14-year-old son and twin 12-year-old girls I’m less a sitter and more an older sister. I take them out for dinner, teach them the eBay trade and most importantly ensure they get their daily dose of quality television shows like, The Biggest Loser, X Factor and America’s Next Top Model (I’m all for the well-rounded approach to TV-viewing).
Tonight I’m seeing these munchkins for the last time before I leave. The girls and I are going out for dinner at Wagamama, anywhere else would be breaking with tradition.
Boyfriend thinks it callous of me to accept money from their parents for simply ‘hanging out’, and to be honest, sometimes I do wonder who is entertaining who; but at the end of the day I need to take my earnings where I find them. It’s just a bonus that this job has more perks than burdens.
I’m definitely going to miss both my London pseudo-families. But I like to think that through them a part of me will always be in here, even if it’s just the bossy bits!
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