The first and second times I truly didn't mean to. What I thought was common knowledge, just happened not to be. The third time, I lay the blame with Boyfriend. In his typical fashion of zoning out to 65 per cent of our conversation he missed the part about my sister's first pregnancy being hush, hush... at only eight weeks she was playing it safe. Within a week, every man, woman and (even in utero) baby knew she was up the duff.
Fast-forward two years - two nieces and a nephew - later, and it appears I've done it again.
About a month ago two things happened: my eldest sister found out she was pregnant with baby number three (in as many years!) and my cousin got engaged. Said-cousin's brother Facebook-ed me exclaiming about "all the exciting things happening back in Sydney" by which I immediately assumed he was referring to the Ring... and the Baby. Before I could compute the information properly and realise that Big Sis was unlikely to be at the announcement stage - again, at only eight weeks - I'd acknowledged my excitement for both Cousin and Sister, hit 'send' and thereby outed yet another baby.
As it turns out both my sisters are pregnant, due only a day apart. Middle Sis quite rightly kept this information from me until she was ready for her first scan and will likely keep her baby's sex tightly under wraps, if indeed she finds out. Not because she doesn't love me... they both do, I'm sure... but because they know my weakness. When it comes to babies, my brain goes to mush.
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