Back in Oz...
And if you're in the area: check out Coiffeur on Rue des Rosiers, 75004 Paris
And with that, I say, "Adieu Paris, a bientôt!"
Okay, so this one was funny... All psyched for our big night out on the town, we took to the streets in search of another of Marie-Agnes's suggested haunts, the tiny but trendy, Le Paris Paris (where apparently big hair and 1980s excess are not only encouraged, but expected!). After pacing up and down the Avenue de L'Opera we finally asked some passersby, who shook their heads in disdain and replied curtly, "It is closed." Apparently anybody who is anyone knows that this club closes for the month of August. When I later jumped on their website, I came across this friendly message:
Le club est en vacances tout le mois d'aout. Paris est la seule ville en europe ou rien ne se passe en aout donc, partez et rendez-vous en septembre
which translates as...
The club is on holidays all August. Paris is the only city in Europe where nothing happens in August so, go away and see you in September
Sounds better in French, doesn't it?!
The main palace... all 700-rooms: a former hunting lodge that King Louis XIV decided needed a make-over in the 17th Century
Just some of the gorgeous flowers on show
The view from somewhere in the middle...
And just a little farther back - although still well within the palace grounds
Two of the many statues on display... there is so much symmetry in the garden you feel as though you're standing on one big chessboard
The Queen's bedchamber, within the main palace
Aside from having to line up for over an hour just to gain entry, and having to maneuver around the other thousand tourists visiting the Château, a trip to Versailles is definitely a must on any Paris sojourn. If you're lucky you'll even get serenaded on the metro home. Yes, for the benefit of American tourists there's a crooner belting out Frank Sinatra and Broadway tunes from his karaoke box, as you ride the 40-minute trip back into the city centre... Or maybe you might prefer to drive!
ps: bought another cheeky item today... a gorgeous little ring from a equally lovely jeweller (that specialises in imitation designer rings) in the Jewish Quarter: Camille et Lucie, 6 Rue des Rosiers, 75004 Paris
Les Deux Magots, 6 Place Saint Germain des Prés, 75006 Paris
This cafe is all about history. In the 1940 and 50s this was the hangout for French philosophers Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, Spanish painter and sculpture Pablo Picasso and even a American novelist Ernest Hemingway. Now... it's home to un trop cher menu et touristes American!
Princesse Tam Tam: 5 Rue Montmartre, 75001 Paris
So, you're in the city of romance and your undies and bra aren't even fit for the gym change room. Make your way to one of Paris's most gorgeous lingerie stores. Just beware when trying on your brassieres... French shop assistants aren't shy when pulling open the curtains!
Le Jardin des Plantes, off Quai Saint-Bernard, 75005 Paris
The Botanic Gardens of Paris - owned by the Natural History Museum and just off the River Seine - think, manicured lawns and all-sorts of brightly coloured flowers. There's even a menagerie (basically, a fancy name for a zoo), and a massive greenhouse. Just opposite the gardens is the Grande Mosquée de Paris, where you can indulge in Turkish sweets in their tea rooms, or courtyard, or even relax in their Turkish baths.
L'Arche de Noe, on Rue Saint-Louis l'Ile, 75004 Paris
If you're lucky enough to have some petite bébés in your life (thank you sisters for my little nieces and nephew), then you won't want to miss out on this gem of a toy store, located on the luxury (read: expensive) island named after King Louis IX of France (one of only two islands on the Seine)... If the plush dolls and bright coloured wooden race cars aren't enough to draw you, then the antique stores, boutiques, fromagerie and ice creamery should ensure that you enjoy yourself. And, the whole island is only three streets wide! You can visit it like we did, after the gardens, on your way to Le Marais.
my little shopping bag of luxury: 98 Rue Vieille du Temple, Paris