While friends and family made sure that her time back home was fun-filled, the daily grind of 3 to 4 catch ups (that's breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks) with them all was enough to make her question if she'd been on holiday at all. And now returned to London there are friends that wait eagerly for her tales from abroad, demanding every juicy detail and expecting embellishment of stories lacking-lustre.
So what does a girl do when her body clock is out 11 hours, and her brain turns to
mush before the dinner bell has had a chance to chime? When the body that she tortured with an hour's stretching, contorting and resisting, decides to spasm and strain as she reclines on the couch? She blogs of course. Why? Because she's missed it. She's missed telling her tales and sharing her thoughts, and uplifting pictures from Google that so perfectly illustrate the stories she spins. She feels she's let down her loyal readers and for that she apologises. Never again will she take such a long break from her laptop. So stay tuned, and keep smiling, 2008 looks to be a very promising year!

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