Where was I to witness this display of reserved civility? At the London Premier of Rob Reiner’s new film, The Bucket List.
Nicholson and Freeman each thanked the audience for coming, 'Jack' wearing his signature black shades and Freeman donning (small) gold hoop-earrings, each man decidedly cooler than the average seventy-something. Then with our complimentary mini-bottles of bubbly, we nestled in to enjoy the show.
The film centres around two elderly men each dying from cancer (Nicholson and Freeman), bonding while in hospital and banding-together to complete their slightly eccentric list of things to do before they kick the bucket. What transpires is a very funny, and at times quite moving, journey. Nicholson’s character is a multi-million-dollar mogul while Freeman’s has led an illustrious 45-year career as a mechanic and yet the two are able to enrich the last days of each other’s life by dispensing the lessons each have learned.
Leaving the film I felt inspired to write my own list. But where would I start? The notion that I could fit on just one piece of paper all the things I want to experience and accomplish before I die seems a little unreal. I decided instead to write one for the year, a 2008 List, if you like. On it I’ll put some goals, some dreams, and a few little challenges to help me grow so that hopefully when I reach seventy I’ll feel a little bit better about kicking my own bucket.
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