Wednesday 20 February 2008

The Skinny on Supersize

Okay, I know, I'm incorrigible but I really, really love Channel 4’s new series, Supersize vs Superskinny. Presented by Dr Christian Jesson the show couples a super-sized person with a super-skinny and gets them to swap diets for a week, all in the (safe) confines of the ‘Feeding House’, in a bid to show the other how dysfunctional their relationship with food is.

The hour-long show also includes a segment with journalist Anna Richardson, who at healthy size-14 takes on a new fad diet or extreme weight loss gimmick in an effort to either prove or disprove its worth; while nutritionist Gillian McKeith (from You Are What You Eat fame) crusades throughout the UK seeking out Britain’s bulgiest bums in her Ban Big Bums-campaign.

And I just love it.

The drama, the lessons learned and the reassurance of how ‘normal’ I am in comparison to the contributors in the show, all combines to make it the show to watch each Tuesday evening. I’ll be sad when the eight-week long season ends. Although I gather I won’t have to wait too long for the next television health supplement given Channel 4’s schedule history – remember my queer-affair with How to Look Good Naked’s Gok Wan? I’m still waiting for the return call from his press agent…

Supersize vs Superskinny airs Tuesdays on Channel 4 at 8pm

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