Reading my beloved Metro on the tube the other day (love the free newspaper trend these days), I skimmed the pages for the latest celebrity saga. Bored by the repeated photos of Posh and Beck's move to L.A., I naturally focused in on the messy photo of Britney with her boobs out... again! Never one to disappoint on the 'what-the?' factor, the latest news is that the 25-year-old mother-of-two (to Sean Preston, almost two-years-old, and Jayden James, 10-months), is pregnant baby, one more time! A small consolation - for the world, not, perhaps for Britney - is that this one's almost assuredly not failed rapper, K-Fed's. No, no, no... Britney's baby's daddy looks likely to be the spawn (harsh!) of either her former lover and drug counsellor, John Sundahl (who is now selling his story to any and every trashy tabloid), or her bodyguard (classy!), the big and burly, Daimon Shippen. Brit's apparently excited about the pregnancy, although, is understandably worried about how the world will take the confusion about her child's paternity. Hmmmmm.....
This morning's paper suggests that K-Fed has joined with Britney's mother, and her cousin Alli, to fight Britney for sole-custody. In a recent interview about the custody dispute, Brit apparently threw up over herself (or so says today's London Metro... the Intern can't substantiate the claim but kind of wishes it to be true... it just paints a better picture, don't ya think?!)

Poor Brit. I mean, to be fair, it's only July and she's already done two stints in rehab, shaved her head, and now she's pregnant with her third baby in less than three years. And all in the public eye. I'm thinking Justin Timberlake is thanking his lucky stars that he and the Pop-starlet ended their relationship in 2002... K-Fed, however, is likely benefiting from Britney's troubled year. Compared to Britney, he's a reasonably together, and responsible parent... that's quite a feat for a father-of-four, in four years, to two mums! Nice one.
Hey sis,
Very witty writing, first visit to a blog site and a bit confused as to the purpose of these, where is your smiling face????
She is pregnant again? Poor Britney! It's such a shame...it really is. Her career was in full swing, she looked amazing and then she gets with K-Fed and goes downhill. I hope she is able to rise again someday. Good luck to her.
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