Monday 1 October 2007

Fashion’s Playground

On Sunday I made my way across the river to South Kensington and the Natural History Museum, to look at all the pretty designer wears left over at London’s Fashion Weekend. Far from including great clothes from the new season’s range, the leftovers on sale looked more like the designer’s attempt to ditch summer’s stock – and the crowds of crabby girls rummaging through the racks and tables made the experience much like many other designer sales… disappointing and exhausting.

As far as freebies went, Grazia magazine’s sponsorship didn’t extend far enough as to supply us shoppers (most of whom paid £10 -15 entry fees) with a free issue, for that you had to pay an extra 5 quid for a ‘goodie’ bag that included an issue and the usual sample-size-bits-and-bobs from hair salons and vouchers from high street stores. No thank you, I prefer the PR packs sent to us at BAZAAR!

The highlight of the day would have had to be the NEWTREE Gourmet Belgian Chocolate stall whose marketers were very generous dishing-out samples (one girlfriend bought us three blocks: sexy dark choc and ginger, original dark choc and blush dark choc with sumptuous cherries. Yum, yum.

And my faith in men as supportive partners was renewed by the fourth member of our party, my other girlfriend’s husband, who walked graciously behind us girls as we giggled and squawked over the lack of range, the small sizes and the exy-pricetags. He even bought us lattes mid-shop for a bit of a boost, and accompanied us to Hummingbird's for some tea and cupcakes – definitely the highlight of the afternoon.

1 comment:

Ondo Lady said...

I have never been to this but have always wondered what it is like. I don't think I will bother now as it sounds like a total rip off.